ePortfolios: elementary's version

In this course, I identified a need for students to be able to share their work in an engaging and meaningful way. ePortfolios in elementary are an excellent way to give students voice and choice as well as ownership of their learning

Innovation Proposal 


Every innovation starts with an idea. I started by writing a letter to my administration at my current elementary school with a proposal to change the way we present student work during student-led conferences and also a way for students to reflect on their work and watch their progress.


You can read the proposal by clicking the link below. 

Literary Review 


Throughout my time researching, I was pleasantly surprised to find so many articles, books, and websites describing both the positives and the challenges that ePortfolios in elementary can have. It gave me a great perspective and ideas on how I could circumvent and work around potential challenges that could arise when my school implements ePortfolios.


You can read my literary review my clicking the link below. 

Implementation Outline 


I have worked on a plan that will guide us throughout the implementation of ePortfolios at our school. This timeline is set for the next twenty-four months, however it can be altered to fit our school better. 


To view the outline, click on the link below. 

Annotated Bibliography


Throughout this process, I have compiled a list of books, websites, and videos I would like to study further. These books will help me become a better and educator and learner. They will also guide me on my growth mindset journey. I am excited to learn more. 


Click on the link below to view my annotated bibliography.