Digital Resources


 The Digital Resources class has opened my eyes to what I am capable of. I never thought I would be writing for a publication or creating a podcast, but with the help of my group and my class, I did it! 


This class gave me more insight into making technology the tool to learn and not what we are learning. I've also learned more about different tools to use in my classroom from my peers. 


Blog Posts

Being able to write about and reflect on my journey during this class has been very helpful. In Pathway to Publications I was able to look for other blogs and publications I would like to share my own publication with. In Seeing is Believing, I was able to reflect on the impact audio-visual tools can have on education and lesson planning. When I wrote A Work in Progress it was after my rough draft of my publication. I was able to reflect or take a look at my peer feedforward and decided where I was going to go from there. I am thankful for the time the discussion and blogs posts allow to really think about the work we are trying to produce.  

Empowered Learners Podcast

Even though we didn't have any formal equipment or a recording studio, we made our first actual podcast. Even though we come from different professions now, Deena, Shaneigh, and I got together to share about what we love. 


Learning, technology, and fun. 


I was very apprehensive when we first began because I do not like to hear myself but I thought I ended up doing a pretty good job explaining AI in the classroom and how it can be used to the students' and teachers' benefit. Click below to view my post as well as the link to the podcast. 





One of my biggest take-aways from this class: You don't have to be an expert to share what you know. I have always thought that the people who share on blogs and websites are more knowledgeable than I am. What I realized is that I have a passion and knowledge that I want to share too. Introducing  artificial intelligence into my classroom was something that I was very excited to do. Teaching them how to use is responsibly and as a tool for their learning was very important to me. Now, I am able to share what I learned in the process and some other ways to include it our lessons. I am excited to share what I know with other teachers who want to introduce AI into their upper elementary classrooms. 



As the sun sets on these classes, how'd it all turn out? My contributions to my learning and my learning community post share my reflection on the class and my learning. I also get to brag about my group, which has been a life saver through all my classes, and share what I am proud of accomplishing. Click below to read.