Techy Thoughts: A Look Back on Concepts of Educational Technology

Throughout this class, we had to take a look at who we are as a learner. I have learned so much about myself and I have taken real action towards reaching my growth mindset. I have come to realize that we are all a work in progress. How we choose to view that can be negative or positive. I am looking forward to continue my journey as a learner and educator with the tools that I have gained from this class. 

Growth Mindset Plan

Having the opportunity to really dive into what a growth mindset is has been very eye-opening. While I realize that a lot of my actions tend to be more growth mindset geared, I still have a lot of thoughts that a fixed mindset brings. I am continuing to grow my growth mindset. I created a presentation for teachers in my elementary school to grow their own growth mindset and also guide their own students through that journey. 

You can click the link below to view it. 

Learning Manifesto


My learning manifesto allowed me a chance to take a deeper look into why I enjoy learning so much and how I am as a learner. My childhood and schooling definitely shaped who I am as a person and why I learn the way I do. Looking at how technology has grown since I was a student in elementary was certainly shocking. 


You can read my learning manifesto by clicking the link below. 

Learning Network

My learning network has been a saving grace during my first two classes. My group that I am lucky to be a part of has given me advice, feedforward, and countless ideas throughout this process. I know that we will continue to lean on each other during our program together and even beyond that. I am also grateful for my team at school who helped me with ideas and gave me words of encouragement. I am thankful I was able to take the time to reflect on all who have helped me throughout my learning journey. 


You can read about my learning network by clicking the link below.