Assessing Digital Learning

In the "Assessing Digital Learning" course, I developed an action research plan and outline focused on using ePortfolios to enhance student writing in third grade. This involved creating a detailed plan for implementing ePortfolios, which included identifying goals, methodologies, and assessment criteria. I also conducted a comprehensive literature review to explore existing research on the effectiveness of ePortfolios in improving student writing. Through this process, I gained valuable insights into best practices for digital learning assessments and the potential benefits of ePortfolios in fostering students' writing skills and reflective learning. This course significantly deepened my understanding of action research and its application in educational innovation.

Action Research Outline

The action research outline explores how ePortfolios can enhance third-grade students' writing skills. By integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum, the study aims to improve writing through regular practice and reflection. Using a mixed-methods approach, the research combines quantitative data from standardized tests and rubric scores with qualitative insights from student surveys and teacher observations. The literature review underscores the benefits of ePortfolios in fostering higher-order learning and self-regulation. This research seeks to provide actionable strategies to improve teaching practices and boost student writing success.

Literature Review 

My literature review explores the benefits of using ePortfolios to enhance third-grade students' writing skills. It highlights how ePortfolios, as digital collections of student work, increase engagement, motivation, and writing quality by providing a platform for continuous feedback and reflection. These portfolios foster critical thinking, allow for authentic writing experiences, and promote student ownership of their learning. The review synthesizes current research and practical applications, demonstrating that ePortfolios can significantly improve students' writing abilities by making learning visible and encouraging continuous improvement.

Action Research Plan

My action research plan aims to investigate the impact of ePortfolios on the writing success of third-grade students. By integrating ePortfolios into the classroom, the study seeks to enhance students' writing abilities through continuous practice and reflection. The plan includes the methods that will be used in the study as well as what impact the results will have. To view my Action Research Plan, click the link below. 


As always, working with my group and getting feed forward and reflect with them has meant the world to me. They are an amazing group to work with and they have been there for me through the entire program. To read more about my reflections of my classes and contributions, click the link below.