Alternative PD Plan

As a teacher I know how important creating engaging and meaningful lessons can be for my students. But why, when we are creating professional development do we not take those same things into account? 

While making this new PD I had to take into account what the end goal would be. Our Big Hairy Audacious Goal is: 

By the 2025 school year 75% of the classrooms, grades 3-5, will have students successfully using Eportfolios.

Keeping this in mind, I planned for our PD to start the summer before the 24-25 school year so teachers would be prepared to begin ePortfolios shortly after the school year begins. To make sure that this PD is successful, I included the Five Principals of Effective PD (Gulamhussein et al., 2013), and is meant for teachers grades 3-5, instructional coaches, IT teachers, and admin at our elementary school. 

I will be the lead on this course and will bring in assistance as needed from our IT teacher. By the end of this PL our team will be able to effectively and efficiently lead their students to creating their own ePortfolios that will lead to higher engagement and growth from our students. 

The Plan



Basken, P. (2008, April 18). Electronic Portfolios May Answer Calls for More Accountability. The Chronicle of Higher Education.


Gulamhussein, A., Center for Public Education, & National School Boards Association. (2013). Teaching the teachers. In Center for Public Education.


Harapnuik, D. (2021). COVA.


TNTP. (2015). The Mirage Confronting the Hard Truth About Our Quest for Teacher Development.