Implementation Outline

TIMELINE: October 2023 - October 2025


Months 1-3 Planning & Preparation

Month 1: Needs Survey 

  • Meet with the administration to present ideas. Explain the benefits and outline of the plan of action to use ePortfolios in our school. 
  • Conduct a survey to assess the current capabilities of the students, what teachers would like to see in an ePortfolio and teacher readiness. 
    • This assessment will be conducted through Google Forms and we will be paying special attention to teachers' wants and needs, what they are looking to be included in an ePortfolio, as well as the digital literacy levels of their students. 
    • I will compile this information and use it to better understand what it is teachers want and expect as a product

Months 3-4: Collaboration

  • Meet and collaborate with key people in the process, including teachers, administrators, Instructional Technologists, students, and parents to communicate and engage with key stakeholders, teachers, parents, administrators, and IT support staff, to communicate the benefits and gather input.


Months 4-6 Platform Selection & Training

Month 4: Platform Selection

  • I will work closely with the IT support staff and administrators to select what platform will best suit our needs and begin learning how to use it. 

Month 5-6: Training

  • We will begin training and offering personal development to the teachers who wish to participate. 
    • Teachers will also make their own ePortfolios to share with students and be able to have a good understanding of how the platform works.  


Months 7-9: Curriculum Integration

Month 7: Alignment

  • Working with the other teachers, we will decide, based on grade level and subject, to align the ePortfolio to our already existing curriculum.

Months 8-9: Lesson Planning

  • The teachers will begin to identify which assignments and projects they would like their students to include in their ePortfolios.
    • Rubrics will be made for each assignment. 


Months 10-13: Pilot Phase 

Month 10: Pilot Selection & Student Training

  • Choose a select handful of classes to participate in the pilot program. 
    • The teachers will take this first month to train their students in the digital literacy tasks that the student will need to be able to work on their ePortfolios. 

Months 11-13: Pilot

  • Teachers will implement the ePortfolios in their classrooms using predetermined assignments and rubrics to guide them. As the pilot program is occurring, we will be able to work out any technical or logistical issues. 
    • Include an orientation with parents of the pilot program to train them in the ePortfolio program and how to be involved in their student’s learning.


Month 14: Reflection & Evaluation

  • Collect feedback from teachers, students, parents, and administration during the pilot. The program can be adjusted before the rollout. 


Months 15-18: Rollout of ePortfolios

Months 15-16: Implementation

  • Begin full rollout of ePortfolios across the school. Teachers will use assignments and projects chosen and include rubrics. 
    • Students will also have the opportunity for choice by including other assignments and projects. 

Months 17-18: Monitoring & Support

  • IT Support staff and others trained in the platform will continue to offer support where needed. 
  • Monitoring and adjusting the ePortfolios if needed. 


Months 19-21: Parent Involvement

Month 19: Parent Orientation

  • Introduce the ePortfolio process and product to the parents of the elementary students. 
    • Include the steps on how to access the ePortfolio and how the parents can participate in their student’s learning. 

Months 20-21: Communication

  • Establish and continue regular communication with the parents about their student’s progress in class through their ePortfolios. 


Months 22-24: Evaluation & Future Planning 

Month 22: Semester Evaluation

  • Conduct an evaluation to see the effectiveness of the ePortfolios in the classroom.
  • Compare data from classrooms who implemented ePortfolios and other classrooms who chose another method. 

Months 23-24: Adjust & Plan

  • Based on the evaluation we will make any necessary changes and adjustments to the program to allow for future growth and development of the ePortfolios. 


Throughout the two years, we will be allowing and looking for places to allow students as much voice and choice as possible as this leads to more engagement and ownership of their learning. We will maintain an open line of communication with all the parties involved so we will be able to gain valuable feedback and be able to improve the plan and process. 

Innovation Proposal

Literary Review   

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Shaneigh Smith
a year ago

Lauren, what a great outline. I can't wait to see the positive impact this makes on the teachers, students, AND parents! I know if this were my child creating an ePortfolio, I would be so excited and PROUD. As a teacher, I would be excited to have someone as innovative and creative as you leading the way!

Deena Duarte Fell
a year ago

I'd want to be one of your pilot teachers if I were at your school! The home connection is so important and I love that you've included a parent orientation for the larger rollout. Will you do that for the pilot student families, too? Great job!