Applying Educational Technology- ePortfolio



During this course, I was able to create, refine, and add to my ePortfolio. This allowed me the opportunity to reflect on my learning and collaborate with others by hearing their feedforward and growing from it. Below is a compilation of the work that I have accomplished in this course and program. 


Show & Sparkle

Throughout my time in the ADL program, I have been able to create and revise my own ePortfolio countless times and I think it will always be a work in progress, just like my learning journey. You can view some of my changes and reflections on ePortfolios in the blogs below. 


Mindset Magic

A growth mindset is one of the most vital things when preparing for change in any situation. Being able to take criticism and use that as growth is a crucial tool. Click the link below to see how I plan on spreading a growth mindset to the teachers in my school and ways to spread it to students in the classroom.  


You can also take a look at my blog that has more reflections on my own growth mindset and how it has changed during this program. 


Innovate & Celebrate!

Throughout the process of creating my own ePortfolio, I began to see the value and potential an ePortfolio can have in an elementary school. Heavily focusing on reflections, collaboration, and ownership of their learning can transform assignments into meaningful lessons. An ePortfolio allows students to have a voice and a choice when it comes to their own learning journey while also allowing teachers to get a deeper insight into their students learning. Click the link below to view my innovation plan. 


Learning to Learn

One of the most important aspects of this program is figuring out who you are as a learner. To me, this has been one of the most challenging parts. My perspective on learning and my education has changed drastically from when I was a child to an adult and being an educator. Allowing me this time to reflect on my journey as a learner has been very beneficial. To take a look at my learning philosophy and journey, click the link below. 


Teamwork makes the Dreamwork


I have been lucky enough to establish a great group of learners that I am able to bounce ideas off of, get feed forward from, and are an amazing support group. I am excited to continue on this journey with them as my cheering squad and that I can do the same for them. Click below to read my latest blog about my reflections of the positive impact having a learning community can make. 


In wrapping up the Applying Digital Learning class, my ePortfolio serves as a dynamic reflection of the interconnected nature of my journey. It goes beyond showcasing technical skills, but shares a journey of my learning through a collection of projects that shows who I am as learner. The innovation plan outlines strategic applications of knowledge and skills. Together, these elements form a cohesive narrative of a digital learning journey that is not just about mastering tools but embracing continuous learning, collaboration, and innovation in the ever-evolving digital landscape.