Leading Organizational Change

Self Differentiated Leadership & Bringing About Change

Over the time I have spent in this course I have learned invaluable concepts and strategies to bring about change as a leader in my organization. Implementing crucial conversations as a self-differentiated leader when introducing ePortfolios in elementary classrooms involves properly managing emotions and fostering open dialogue among stakeholders. I need to make sure that I listen to the concerns and perspectives of teachers, students, parents, and administrators so I am able to address apprehensions and build trust.

Having a good balance between assertiveness and respect, I will be able to effectively communicate the benefits of ePortfolios while also listening to the stakeholders ideas and preferences.  Doing this will detract from the resistance and foster collaboration among the team. Crucial conversations methodology equips leaders with the tools to navigate conflicts constructively, resolve issues collaboratively, and build a shared vision for ePortfolio implementation. Through effective use of crucial conversations, self-differentiated leaders are able to create a supportive environment for embracing change and innovation in elementary classrooms. When you are able to build trust, manage conflicts, and promote collaboration, leaders empower teachers, students, parents, and administrators to embrace not just ePortfolios, but create an environment for innovation at our school. To read more about crucial conversations, click the link to my blog below. 


During this class we were really able to think about why we are doing all of this? What is the point? What will we accomplish? Is it all worth it? Being able to really dig deep and find what we were truly trying to change in our school allowed me to be more excited for my innovation plan and the impact it will have.



We believe that students need to feel empowered in their educational journey and prepare them for their future. 


By having students create ePortfolios throughout their elementary careers and beyond that will share their unique learning journey through their academic achievements, goals, and creativity.


Creating a digital space for students to share and reflect on their work while fostering a sense of pride, ownership, and self-awareness. 


To read more about our why, click the button below. 





Innovating Education

Creating a 4DX plan allowed me to see where my innovation project was going and gave me the opportunity to make a concrete plan for implementation. Our 4DX plan is designed to provide a structured framework for achieving our objectives in implementing ePortfolios at our elementary school. By focusing on the wildly important goals (WIGs), acting on lead measures, maintaining a compelling scoreboard, and creating a cadence of accountability, we can drive successful outcomes and realize our vision for innovative and student-centered education. 

Influencer Strategy 

When making a change, having a plan is always a good place to start. Finding people who will back up your innovation plan is key. Influencers are needed to create change in any organization. These key influencers can shape perceptions, motivate stakeholders, and provide ongoing support, making ePortfolios a powerful tool for showcasing student growth and fostering 21st-century skills in elementary education. As educators, we can be the key influencers to make positive change in our classrooms and schools. Using the Six Sources of Influence and the Vital Behaviors we can plan for any issues or people in our school who might be resistant to change. To take a look at my Influencer Strategy click the button below. 


Being able to reflect and learn more about a topic through discussion posts and blogging has been very beneficial for me. I enjoy seeing fellow students' point of view and they often give me a lot to think about in their comments. To see the blog posts I have made about leading organizational change, click the buttons below.