Instructional Design Online Learning

Creating online content for students is not a new thing for a lot of teachers. When Covid happened we had to become instant technology experts to continue teaching our students, even if it was in a way we had never done it before. Since then, technology has been integrated into all parts of our classroom and I am excited to see that. Students now will need to be more technologically advanced than ever before for the jobs they will be in as adults. I am excited to be a part of that learning experience for my students. While creating this unit, I kept in mind what apps my students have used but also wanted to introduce them to some new things they can learn about. Poetry is one of my favorite units and I was happy to be able to find meaningful and engaging ways we could learn about poetry through technology. 


When considering the outline and plan for the poetry unit I kept it very similar to how I would teach it in class. I usually have an introduction to the topic at the beginning of the week and activities to concrete that learning throughout the week. At the end we have some product that we can share with each other and celebrate our learning. My plans are very similar and I am looking forward to see how the students will make connections through the screen as opposed to in person. To take a look at the outline and plan for the unit, click the button below. 


Taking a look at how the implementation of our poetry unit would work was very beneficial. It allowed me to really think through the plans and if it was practical for my students to be able to do on their own with minimal assistance at home. I knew that although the class could be done asynchronously, I still wanted to give them the option to meet for weekly introductions to modules, time for conferencing with me, and places to collaborate with other students. I believe this unit does all of that while allowing students to be creative and emersed in the wonderful world of poetry. To view the video and questions that guided the implementation of the unit, click the button below. 

Usability & Reflection

Allowing myself to reflect on the usability of my unit gave me a great opportunity to make it even better. I was able to use the feed forward and advice given to me by my stakeholders and peers to improve the unit and give the learner opportunities to learn and grow. To learn more about the usability testing and reflection, click the button below. 

Contributions to my Learning & the Learning Community 

The contributions I make to my own learning and those in my learning community can make the biggest impact. I strive to be an active member in my group and throughout my classes. To read more about that, click the button below.