Implementation of Learning Design


Creating this unit was a deeply rewarding process that blended my passion for poetry with my dedication to student-centered learning. As I embarked on this journey, I first reflected on the importance of fostering a love for poetry in young minds and sought to design a curriculum that would engage and inspire students to explore the beauty of language and expression. Drawing upon my expertise in instructional design and pedagogy, I carefully crafted each module to provide a structured yet flexible learning experience, ensuring that students could progress at their own pace while mastering key poetry elements.


Throughout the creation of this unit, I continually focused on striking a balance between academic rigor and creative expression, embedding activities and assessments that challenged students to think critically while encouraging them to unleash their imagination. Collaborating with colleagues and drawing inspiration from diverse resources, I curated a rich collection of multimedia materials, interactive exercises, and reflective prompts to enrich students' learning experience. Ultimately, creating Unit 5318 was a labor of love aimed at instilling a lifelong appreciation for poetry in students and empowering them to find their voice through the power of words.

Creating a unit online to teach third graders the elements of poetry includes many different things to consider. Lessons still need to be engaging and meaningful but something students are able to complete on their own time without the assistance of a teacher. Please view the video below to hear and see my unit plan in more detail. 

What Learning Management System (LMS) or other digital sharing platforms like Google Docs are you planning to use? Why?:

I will be using Google Classroom for my LMS. The students at my school are familiar with this platform and know how to use it. I will also be using various sharing platforms like Padlet, Zoom, Flip, and others.


How will you implement the Overview/Introduction/Start Here Module or section of your course including videos, documents, and related resources?

I am going to include directions, a discussion post to share what they already know about the subject and I will also include a video that takes them through the course.


How will you implement the first 1-2 Modules of your course including videos, documents, and related resources?

I will start with a video going over the topic for that week and an assignment to check for understanding. They will also have a writing that will be due each week and they will be able to share their poems with each other and peer review.


How will you use media to support and enhance learning?

Consider the following questions/points as you explore how you will implement the Overview/Introduction/Start Here and first 1-2 modules of your online or blended course:

  • Lecture in a digital age? When are lectures appropriate and how can they best be used?

For third grade, I don't find lectures very appropriate. They aren't very engaging and the students often get lost in the words. We will have a meeting at the beginning of the week to discuss the new topic and go over information. This video will be recorded for students who can't make the meeting time. I will also offer office hours for additional assistance as needed.

  • How are you relating your teaching methods to the knowledge and skills needed by your learners in a digital age?

I know that students often need guidance and I would love to be able to check their writing during a writing conference time during the week as well as the office hours for students who have questions and struggle.



Implementation Assignment Considerations:


In the Implementation Assignment you will create an implementation video and supporting resources that will address the following questions/points:

  • Where does the Overview/Introduction/Start Here module fit into the overall course map or design?

The Start Here section offers all the information about the class. It will include their syllabus, a welcome letter, and a discussion post to get them thinking and interested in the topic, and I will offer an intro meeting in which I will take the students through the course step-by-step.

  • How is your instructional design approach realized in the modules?

The instructional design approach in the modules prioritizes student engagement, active learning, and gradual skill development, ensuring a comprehensive and enriching learning.

  • Where are you sharing the main course goal and outcomes with your learners?

I will be sharing it in the Start Here section as well as in our meetings so they know what their goal is at the end of the unit.

  • How does the module align outcomes activities and assessment?

The module aligns outcomes, activities, and assessments to ensure students achieve the intended learning objectives. Each activity directly supports the module's objective, while assessments measure students' comprehension and application of poetry elements.

  • Is this student-centered or teacher-led?

The unit is student-centered with activities that promote collaboration and feedback from peers. The teacher will be the facilitator offering a deeper understanding of the content but allowing the students to be their own teacher.

  • Is the course blended or fully online?

The course will be asynchronous and fully online with some meetings.

  • How are you introducing the course and yourself and how are you building the learning community?

I will introduce myself through a welcome letter and a meeting before the class starts. There are also discussion posts that go throughout the unit that will allow the students to build a learning community and foster collaboration between the students.

  • What is the ratio or percentage of synchronous to asynchronous collaboration?

The majority of the class will be asynchronous but there will be a weekly meeting and other optional meetings for questions and writing conferences.