Annotated Bibliography


Below you will find a list of books, websites, and videos that I came across during my research process. Some are connected to my innovation plan, but most are on how I can become a better teacher and learner. 


*Click on the image to bring you to site to purchase or visit. 



Duckworth, A. (2016). Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. Scribner.

  • Teaching students to learn about perseverance and not giving up when they fail is a challenging process. Any guidance I can get that will help me help them is very valuable. I am also interested in seeing how this book can help me. 





Gordon, J. (2007). The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy. Wiley.

  • In this book, the authors tell a fictional story to tell us about the 10 rules of positive thinking and energy. I think this would be helpful to read to see who I should let on my “bus” as I am going through life. I also think that it will tie in nicely with having a growth mindset which I am currently working towards. 



McTighe, J., & Silver, H. F. (2020). Teaching for deeper learning: tools to engage students in meaning making. ASCD.

  • I am always looking for better ways to teach my students and give them a deeper understanding of the content and the world around them. I am interested in reading this book to see what this author has to say about deeper learning. 





Merrill, J., Merrill, K., & Miller, C. (2020). The interactive class: using technology to make learning more relevant and engaging in the elementary class. Elevatebooksedu.

  • I purchased this book over the summer but I have not read it yet. It looks like it has tips and tricks on how to have an engaging and interactive classroom that provides opportunities for students to use technology. 





@TheMerrillsEDU. (2021). @TheMerrillsEDU.

  • I was recently introduced to this couple and I am interested in learning more about them and their ideas of teaching and education. I plan on taking a deeper dive into their website to see what types of resources and information they offer. 






Patterson, K., Grenny, J., Mcmillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2012). Crucial conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high. Mcgraw-Hill Education.

  • This book was recommended by Dr. H. I am looking forward to seeing how this book can shape and change the way I communicate with others. 





Rosling, H., Rosling, O., & Anna Rosling Rönnlund. (2020). Factfulness: ten reasons we’re wrong about the world - and why things are better than you think. Flatiron Books.

  • This inspiring book shows us a new way of thinking and seeing the world. It also shows you that how you view challenges and opportunities can change how you work through them. I think this would be a great addition to read after reading Mindset and help me continue to work on my growth mindset. 




Shankar, M. (2023, July 25). Why change is so scary -- and how to unlock its potential.

  • Change can be a very scary thing. Any guidance I can receive can only be helpful as I guide my school through new changes and the challenges they may bring.