Finding Our Why

Published on 13 January 2024 at 14:35

Why do we need to know our why? 

Many people can explain their what or how to others but few can say their why. The why can be the most important part of a plan. Your why can give you focus and passion for your mission. 

Your why can create a sense of urgency in your group by lighting a fire and encouraging people to change. 

After being in the education field for so long I have noticed that teachers tend to be resistant to change. But with good reason, every few years we are brought the greatest and newest way to do something. Only for it to be replaced with the next thing and sometimes even find out that it in fact was not the greatest way to teach our students. It can sometimes be difficult to be excited about change. But that doesn't mean it isn't needed or even wanted. Many times the why has been lost and that sense of urgency is pushed to the wayside by the many expectations placed upon us. 

Knowing your why gives your actions purpose and meaning, making your journey more fulfilling and rewarding. It gives us a direction to go in with purpose and passion and often boosts our resilience when we make mistakes or lose our way on our journey. 

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