What a Wild Ride: A Reflection on the ADL Journey

Published on 18 July 2024 at 12:05

What a wild and crazy ride this has been! I am amazed at how much I have grown as a digital learner and leader. The program has been instrumental in shaping my understanding and application of various principles and strategies, leading to significant accomplishments. Here’s a detailed reflection on how each component has contributed to my development:

Self-directed Learning

The ADL program emphasized the importance of self-directed learning, encouraging me to take charge of my educational journey. This principle has empowered me to explore new technologies and methodologies independently, enhancing my ability to learn and adapt in a rapidly changing digital landscape. My ePortfolio showcases various projects and reflections that demonstrate my initiative and growth in this area.

Innovation Plan

Creating an innovation plan was a pivotal experience. At first I was a little lost in trying to decide what would benefit my school and classroom the most, but once I realized the benefits of ePortfolios and starting digital literacy early has always been important to me, I knew implementing ePortfolios in my school was the way to go.  It required me to identify a need within my educational context and devise a strategic plan to address it using digital tools and innovative practices. This process honed my problem-solving skills and fostered a mindset of continuous improvement. The detailed innovation plan on my website highlights the steps I took to implement meaningful changes in my teaching practice.

Organizational Change Strategy

Understanding how to implement organizational change was crucial for driving adoption of new technologies and practices within my institution. The strategies I learned helped me to effectively communicate the benefits of digital learning and gain buy-in from stakeholders. My reflections on this topic illustrate the challenges and successes I encountered while advocating for change.

Learning Theory Foundation

A strong foundation in learning theories enabled me to design more effective and engaging learning experiences. By integrating theories such as constructivism, I was able to create a more learner-centered environment. But finding out what my own learning philosophy is as well as my teaching philosophy has allowed me to have a deeper understanding of my actions and decisions when it comes to education. My ePortfolio includes examples of lesson plans and activities that reflect these theoretical underpinnings.

Significant Learning Environment

Creating a significant learning environment involves designing spaces that promote active, collaborative, and meaningful learning. This principle guided me in rethinking my classroom setup and instructional strategies to better support student engagement and achievement. 

Instructional Design/Backward Design

Applying backward design principles ensured that my instructional activities were aligned with desired learning outcomes. This approach helped me to focus on what students need to learn and how best to assess their understanding. Detailed lesson plans and assessments on my ePortfolio demonstrate how backward design has improved my instructional practices.

Online/Blended Course

Designing and implementing an online/blended course was a significant milestone. It required me to leverage digital tools to create flexible and accessible learning experiences. It also allowed me the opportunity to prove that an online class can still be fun and engaging for students allowing them to be creative and have peer interactions. 

Literary Reviews 

Writing the literary reviews allowed me to articulate my ideas and share my insights with about important topics that affected my innovation plan. These experiences enhanced my communication skills and contributed to my professional growth. 


Maintaining an ePortfolio has been an ongoing process of reflection and documentation. It serves as a digital vault of my work and a platform for sharing my learning journey with others. The ePortfolio itself is a testament to my growth and accomplishments in the ADL program.

Personal Learning Network

Building a personal learning network (PLN) connected me with educators and experts all over, providing valuable resources and support. Engaging with my PLN on social media and professional forums has enriched my professional development. One of the most important things I have gained from this program are the bonds I have made with my group. They have provide countless amounts of advice and I would not have been able to make it through without them. I am confident that our friendships will continue long after the program. 

M. Ed. Applied Digital Learning

Pursuing a Master’s in Applied Digital Learning has been a transformative experience. The program's comprehensive curriculum and practical focus have equipped me with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a digital age. My ePortfolio encapsulates the breadth and depth of my learning, showcasing the projects and achievements that define my journey. I am excited to see where this knowledge will take me and even more excited to continue to put it into practice. 


The ADL program has profoundly impacted my professional practice and personal growth. Through self-directed learning, innovation planning, and a deep understanding of educational theories and strategies, I have become a more effective and innovative educator. My ePortfolio at learningin3withmrsb.com stands as a testament to my journey and accomplishments in the ADL program.

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