What makes a leader?

Published on 27 July 2024 at 09:56

Roselinde Torres says, "Great leaders dare to be different. They don't just talk about risk-taking, they actually do it." To me, I think this is so key. In my experience, the leaders that I have worked with are comfortable. They see what leaders before them have done and often do the exact same thing, not willing to be innovative or risk scrutiny from peers or those higher above them. Having a leader who is willing to put themselves out there, make a change, and go back to the drawing board if it doesn't work out the way they thought can take a school from good to amazing.



So how do we get there? From my experience in the ADL program, I have realized how much technology and leadership can play a crucial role in the success of our school. We have to move from the old way of learning and teaching to a way that will prepare our students for their future. So far, the more that I am able to integrate technology into our daily tasks and curriculum I have seen students become more confident in their abilities and more reflective in their practices.


What could be better? Like everything in life, integrating more tech into the classroom takes time and sometimes it is time we don't have. I would really like to reach out to the instructional technology coach and use her as a sounding board. I know from past discussions I have had with her she will be fully on board in helping me bring more meaningful tech time into my classroom and the classrooms at our school.


In Roselinde's TedTalk she states that the great leaders she has met "are women and men who are preparing themselves, not for the comfort and predictability of yesterday, but also for the realities of today and all of those unknown possibilities of tomorrow." You don't have to be the super hero standing ahead and protecting those behind you. Daring to be different, take a leap of change, and not just going along to get along are all ways to be a great leader today.\



TED. (2014, February 19). What it takes to be a great leader | Roselinde Torres | TED [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUYSDEYdmzw

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