Impact of a Growth Mindset

Published on 18 September 2023 at 18:29

A wildly important goal that I have in my classroom is to integrate technology in a creative and meaningful way for my students. I think that I often struggle to be able to do this because of time constraints during our planning time and throughout the day. It is something that I think is so important and is mentioned in one of the TED talks we watched by Monique Markoff when she stated that blended learning isn't just learning to how to use a tech tool but using it as a learning tool. 

I do think that to a certain extent, I have a fixed mindset but I am always trying to be better and work into a growth mindset. Sometimes, if I feel like I won't have enough time to do something right or that I might fail at it, I won't waste my time on it. But now that I have realized how beneficial true blended learning can be, I feel like any time I spend on it will be worth it. 

There are lots of different ways I can sharpen my toolbox and learn about different tools to use in the classroom. We have tech education people in our district who are always ready to help and answer questions and I do feel like you can always learn from other teachers in our school. I have also learned quite a few things from teachers I follow on social media and the books I have been reading for our classes. 

For myself, I think the why is the most important part of learning and pursuing life goals. If you don't truly have a reason as to why you are learning, I think everything is surface-level and somewhat unmemorable. I think that W.B. Yeats states it perfectly. "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." 

TED. (2014, May 6). Click here-- blended learning and the future of education: Monique Markoff [Video]. Youtube.

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