COVA Framework

Published on 26 September 2023 at 21:02

COVA stands for giving choice, ownership, and voice through an authentic learning opportunity. As a teacher, I always looking for ways to give my students a voice and choice when it comes to assignments or things we do in class. When they have that choice I am often amazed at what they bring to me. It turns out to be better than what I expected and I think the students are more engaged in their learning because it gives them ownership and allows them the space to be proud of what they are creating. However, as an adult, I am often not given the same opportunities. I was pleasantly surprised when I began my learning journey with ADL that our assignments weren't just tests and questions to answer but we were actually getting a voice and choice in our assignments. 

I think that the part of COVA that I struggle the most with is choice. It is a little more open-ended than I am used to and I tend to overthink a lot. But, because of the opportunities I have had in the classes I am taking, I feel like I am getting more comfortable with taking a risk and trusting that I am doing what is best for my learning. 

Now that I have really learned and researched what a growth mindset is, I am sad to say that I have had more of a fixed mindset most of my life. I am very critical of myself when it comes to doing things right and if I don't know how to do something I definitely struggle. This program is moving me away from that and I am learning how to have more of a growth mindset every day. 

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