The Benefit of Networking

Published on 27 September 2023 at 22:41

Networking with professionals in the education field is an invaluable source of information for a teacher. I have been an active part of several learning communities since I became a teacher and they have been an endless wealth of ideas and advice. I am proud to say that our ADL group that we have formed has also been extremely valuable and helpful. I have been able to bounce ideas off them, offer support, and get advice from people who understand the process more than anyone. The words of encouragement I have gotten have gotten me through some tough times and I hope I have been that support for them too. 


Being able to read and communicate through our posts and our Zoom meetings has also provided me with a learning network I wasn't expecting from an online course. I feel like I have learned so much from everyone's unique perspectives during our time together and I know it will continue as we move through the program. 


Learning Networks


ADL Group: 

Lance -

Shaneigh - 


Juliana Abiro- Coming Soon

Yagaira Alaniz- 

Mattheiu Brooks-


Other Groups: 

Get Your Teach On

Texas Council for the Social Studies 


Aspire Technology Group in Humble ISD 

My School Community of Teachers 

My Third Grade Team 



Not So Wimpy Third-Grade Teachers

Class Dojo Teacher Community 




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