Everything Has Changed

Published on 29 October 2023 at 00:04

When I realized that we would have to create a blog post containing what we have changed in our ePortfolio since we first created it my first thought was, "everything has changed." (Cue Taylor Swift song here) My next thought was I wish I would have taken screen shots or written down what I have changed since I started my ePortfolio journey. The first time I turned it in, I was told to change my font and colors and since then I have continued to work on layouts and fonts, and pages every time something is due. After the first two classes ended, I spent some more time working on my menu bar (see 

above) and how I was going to lay out my classes on pages. I chose to do one initial page for each class and then add on to each one if needed. I am liking the clean look of the menu bar this way.  I have also spent some time adding to my initial about me page. You can click here to view the latest update. I also made a logo for my page but went through a few designs before I settled on this one. This ePortfolio is a very good representation of my style and I enjoy working on it to make it a better version of itself. 

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