The Big Hairy Audacious Goal

Published on 2 November 2023 at 16:59

The idea of a BHAG, or Big Hairy Audacious Goal, can be a powerful tool when a teacher is defining a purpose for a program. It can be used as a motivator for the student and can offer a clear direction for the student to go. It also gives the teacher and the student a cohesive vision of where the course will go. 


Over the years we have gotten very good at helping our students collect many dots from year to year. We teach an objective, we test for comprehension, and we move on to the next one. The way

TEKS are set up it leaves very little time for much else. However, I do think that we are moving in the right direction. Teachers taking the initiative to create significant learning environments and allowing students to develop higher thinking skills like problem-solving, we are giving students the opportunity to not only gather the dots but connect them in a much more meaningful way. 


Having a clear and defined learning outcome is essential to education. They provide an outline of what exactly a student should be able to do by the end of a lesson. These learning outcomes should shape how a teacher plans lessons and activities. Making sure that your outcomes, activities, and assessments are aligned creates a more effective and coherent learning experience. 

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