Contributions to Your Learning & the Learning Community 5303/5313

Published on 26 November 2023 at 16:59

This is a reflection on my contributions to my own learning and my learning community for both 5303 and 5313. This will be the second set of classes I have taken for the ADL program. I thought I was getting the hang of it and then we got two new teachers with two very different teaching styles and I was right back at the beginning. 


I am lucky enough to have created a group at the beginning and they include myself, Shaneigh Smith, Deena Fell, Mattheiu Brooks, and Lance Moran. So far this group has been an integral part of my success in the program and my sanity. 

What went well?

Having a group already established was a life saver. I know that when I started the program I was shocked that we would have to work with people. So I know it was a shock for others who are just starting the program. I also felt like I was more prepared with my ePortfolio because I chose to start it in my previous classes and I think that was the right thing to do. Because of this, I was able to help other classmates when they had questions and I felt confident in making changes to my ePortfolio to make it even better throughout this time. 

In my group, we consistently met with each other on Mondays or Wednesdays depending on what worked with our schedule. When we met we would talk about classwork, look at each other's work, or just talk things through if someone had a question. This was key to my success in the class. My son is in baseball and his games often occurred during our meetings, so they would fill me in and I would watch the recordings to be able to understand what we needed to do. 

I was also able to collaborate and connect with other learners in my classes by participating and responding to the discussions in the classes. This gave me valuable insight into other's opinions and beliefs and I was able to really reflect on what I thought. 

During my time in 5303 I had opportunities to revise and make changes to my ePortfolio that could be better. I was able to add more to my About Me page, Change up the layout on my blog posts page, changed my fonts, and moved things around to make it easier to use for visitors. This will continue to be a work in progress. 

 What could have been better?



I feel like I struggled more with these two classes than the last. The assignments were more difficult to me and I felt like I didn't have the support from my professors like I did with Dr. H. I'm not sure if it was because it was a busier time of year but things did not go as smoothly with assignments or discussions. I am looking forward to taking a breather and starting fresh in the spring. 

My Contributions

During 5303 and 5313, I was able to attend most of the meetings for Dr. Grogan and Dr. Singh. I actively listened to the meetings and participated in the group discussions. I enjoyed attending these because I was able to put names and faces together and hear other people's ideas and questions that I didn't even think about. I also participated in the class discussions for both groups and responded to others posts. For both classes, I read the weekly assignments, readings, and watched the videos. In 5313, I read all of the required reading materials and enjoyed gaining further insight into the "why" of what we are doing. Throughout the classes, we had a few classmates who would reach out asking for advice or answers and when I able to help them, I did to the best of my ability. 


In my group, Matthieu was awesome and created this Google Doc that helped us all keep track of what was going on, where our zoom links were, and when we were meeting. I made sure to keep that updated and respond when needed. 

I have also recently become a member of the Facebook group for Fall 2023 ADL Master's Program. I am able to help other students that are in classes that I already took and guide them with any questions they might have. 

Overall I am proud of the work I have contributed to my classes and to my group. I am happy that I have made it through another two classes in this program while growing and reflecting on who I am as a learner and how I can be better. But in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am most thankful for the group that I have lucked out on. They are my support and my pillow I scream into. It is not often you find people who are so like minded and valuable, so I will make sure to hold on to them for as long as I can. 

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