Who Owns the ePortfolio?

Published on 22 November 2023 at 12:47

I always knew I was going to go back to school. School has always been something I enjoyed and that I was good at. I can listen to teachers, take notes, and regurgitate their information back to them in a test or a written paper pretty well. Little did I know that this program would take everything I thought I knew about school and flip it upside down. And why shouldn't it? I don't expect my students to learn that way so why should I have to?


When I first started this program and heard to words ePortfolio I immediately thought, "What even is that?". I 

really haven't done any coding or things like that on the computer since MySpace, and I didn't even know where to begin. But, I think in the few short months I have been creating my ePortfolio, I have learned a great deal about technology and myself as a learner. 


In choosing my innovation plan, I knew that I wanted to implement ePortfolios at my school. Seeing the benefits and potential they can have in my own classes gave me enough proof to want my students to feel the same way I do when they are sharing their learning, I want them to feel proud of how far they have come. 


I think I am still trying to decide who owns my ePortfolio. At times I think I do, everything is a direct reflection of myself and my learning and I am proud of what I have done so far. But other times, like when I am being told to change my font over and over again, or when I have to have something exactly like the person grading would want it to be, I'm not so sure. When it comes to ownership I think it can be a work in progress. I do believe that when you allow time for students to make meaningful connections it gives them the opportunity to have a deeper understanding and ownership of the learning (Harapnuik, 2023). At the end of the day, an ePortfolio can't just be another place to store your assignments, it needs to be a place to collaborate with your peers, share what you are learning, and reflect on learning too. 


Harapnuik, D. (2023). Who Owns the ePortfolio. Harapnuik.org. https://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=6050 

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