A Work in Progress: Reflecting on my publication rough draft

Published on 11 February 2024 at 11:39


When I first heard that we were going to be writing to publish somewhere it really got me thinking. I am no expert when it comes to technology or education. As we were sitting in our meeting, Dr. Grogan told us that we don't have to be an expert, we just have to have something worth knowing to share. I do think that over the years of teaching and since I have started my masters journey, I have learned a few things that I would like to share with other educators in hopes that I can help them and make their lives a little easier. 

Taking that all into account, I decided my publication would be on using AI in the elementary classroom in a positive way. While creating my publication outline, I got a clearer picture of how AI can influence student's work in the classroom and impact their ePortfolios, which is my innovation project at my school. I wanted to take away the scary parts of AI and give elementary teachers a positive way to introduce AI to their students which will hopefully provide a path for them to continue using AI later in their educational journeys responsibly. 

Our group came up with their own peer assessment criteria so we would all be able to have a clear idea of what we were being scored on. 

Peer Assessment Criteria:

Alignment with Learning Priority (10 points):

● Justification: The extent to which the draft prioritizes learning over technology, ensuring that technology serves as a catalyst for enhanced learning experiences.

Engagement with Thought Leaders (10 points):

● Justification: Evaluation of the integration and application of ideas from influential thought leaders, including Dewey, Bruner, Vygotsky, Papert, Piaget, and Roger Schank, to support arguments and perspectives.

Clarity of Voice and Perspective (10 points):

● Justification: Assessment of the clarity and coherence of the author's voice and perspective, including the articulation of authentic experiences, insights, and visions for the educational context.

Integration of Cognitive Processes (10 points):

● Justification: Analysis of the incorporation of cognitive processes such as prediction, modeling, experimentation, evaluation, diagnosis, planning, causing, judgment, influence, teamwork, negotiation, and describing, to strengthen arguments and illustrate key points.

Publication Readiness (10 points):

● Justification: Evaluation of the draft's readiness for publication, considering adherence to submission requirements, clarity of structure, and potential for contribution to relevant journals or publications.

Scoring Rubric:

● 45-50 points: Exceptional - The draft demonstrates outstanding alignment with assessment criteria, providing valuable insights and contributions.
● 35-44 points: Satisfactory - The draft meets most assessment criteria adequately, with room for improvement in certain areas.
● 25-34 points: Developing - The draft exhibits some alignment with assessment criteria but lacks depth or clarity in key areas.
● 0-24 points: Insufficient - The draft fails to meet fundamental assessment criteria, requiring significant revisions to align with expectations.

My Score & Reflection




Average score: 49/50

I had two of my group members peer review my publication and they gave my many positive things to celebrate and a few things that I could work on. Deena mentioned that she would like more clarification on what age group this is geared towards. I changed my title to include upper elementary so it was more clear. Another thing that both Deena and Shaneigh stated was there was no clear thought leader that I included in my article. Because I have chosen to go with two online blog publications that tend to be more relaxed I was worried that it wouldn't read well with that audience. However, I did find a quote from Dewey speaking on continuing to teach our students the same way that we have in the past we will rob them of their future and I feel like it fits very nicely with what I am trying to express so I will be adding that. 

Overall, I feel like the peer review was very beneficial. It allows us to see our writing from another point of view and gave me some great feed forward that I am able to use for my final draft. I am excited to continue on this journey with my publication and I hope that it gets accepted to the publications I am sending it to. 

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