The Empowered Learners Podcast

Published on 24 February 2024 at 13:21

This is my first official podcast. 

Did you know there is an actual term for when you don't like to hear the sound of your own voice? It is called voice confrontation. And although I struggled with this during the process, I am so proud of what my group and I created to bring AI, podcasts, and technology for Pre-K into the classroom. 

As soon as I heard about AI chatbots and apps being introduced, I knew I could do something fun and engaging with it in the classroom. My goal has and will always be to prepare my kiddos for not just fourth grade, but hopefully help them and prepare them for real life. AI isn't something

that is going away so I wanted to introduce it to them as a tool to make them better and not a way to "cheat". AI can also come into play while my innovation plan comes into fruition. Using AI as we implement and use our ePortfolios can be beneficial for creating reflection prompts, titles of pages, and revising and editing.  


Having the conversation with Shaneigh and Deena, we were able to see how all of our publications really came together. Deena's idea of teaching appropriate use of technology to students in pre-k sets the stage for my third graders to be able to successfully use technology and AI. Having those tools in their pocket, Shaniegh can integrate podcasts as a way for students to share their learning and engage with each other. We enjoyed the idea of bringing this information to other teachers and had a lot of fun in the process. 


So, without further ado, here is the first installment of The Empowering Learners Podcast. 


The Empowered Learners Podcast

5317 Podcast Script


Title: "Empowering Learners: AI, Podcasting, and Best Practices in Education"

  • Introduction (- 0:53)
      • Brief introduction of hosts and purpose of the podcast- Shaneigh Smith, Deena Duarte-Fell, and Lauren Blasdel 
      • Explanation of the podcast's focus on the intersection of AI in education, student-created podcasts, and best practices for using technology in the PreK classroom.
  • AI in the Elementary Classroom (0:54 - 9:40) (Lauren)

Examples of how AI is being used to enhance teaching and learning experiences across all age groups, including pre-K settings.


  • The Power of Student-Created Podcasts (9:40 - 17:50) (Shaniegh) 

Exploration of how podcasting empowers students to actively engage with course content and express their creativity, even in early childhood education.

  • Best Practices for using tech in the Pre-K Setting (17:51 - 24:57) (Deena)
    • Providing equity for Pre-K students
    • What it means to be a digital native
    • Typing deemed as developmentally inappropriate by some
    • Then vs Now: Expectations on technology in the hands of littles
    • Speculation of technology over time: Keyboarding to AI
    • What does it look like to implement technology for Pre-K appropriately?
    • Using Station Rotation as a blended learning model for littles
    • Games vs. Curriculum 
    • Preparing students at the Pre-K level for the technology expectations to come


  • Future Directions and Recommendations (24:58 - 29:45)
      • Turning of the tide: More teachers are seeing the need for responsible technology and the need for building digital natives
      • Parents’ understanding of technology use in school
      • Teaching for the future
      • How educational technology has evolved over the last 20 years

  • Conclusion: Empowering Learners (29:55)
    • Empowering learners with AI
    • Empowering learners with student podcasts using choice, voice, ownership, and authentic learning environments (COVA)
    • Empowering Pre-K learners with technology

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