Are professional developments on the way out?

Published on 4 April 2024 at 13:53

I have been to my fair share of professional developments and I can say that most that I have attended have been fun but not impactful on my teaching or lessons. My favorite part of professional development is seeing other teachers and hearing about things they are doing at their schools. When we are able to share our ideas with each other I find that the most interesting and helpful. I consider myself to be a pretty efficient technology user and I like to share that knowledge with my team and my students in different projects we do. I feel like I have learned so much more from my fellow teachers than I have ever learned in a professional development.

Hearing Kristen Daniels story in Empowering the teacher technophobe about the first grade teacher wanting to start a blog but not knowing how was very intriguing. Having someone who can come into our classroom and teach us what we can actually do with the technology we have and even teach the students and the teacher how to use it can be so much more beneficial. Allowing teachers to have adequate time to understand and learn about something before they implement it in the classroom is key. Making professional development personalized and meaningful can have a much bigger impact on students, teachers, and schools than the traditional sit-and-get method that we are so used to.


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