It's time to get uncomfortable

Published on 23 April 2024 at 09:19

Don't let the fears of what's next stop you from moving forward. Change can be scary for everyone involved. There are always concerns and problems that can stop you in your tracks if you aren't dedicated enough to the change you are trying to make. Being comfortable with being uncomfortable means that even though you feel like you don't know what you are doing and that can unsettling, you are growing from the things you learn.


At our school, we do two PBLs a year. I have a lot of practice in allowing my students to take the lead in their own learning and taking a step back to facilitate in that learning. I have 

seen some amazing things happen in my classroom because my students were allowed to really find their own solutions to their problems instead of having their teacher hand them the answers. Seeing this in action has allowed me to see the benefits of allowing students to be their own teachers.


Making mistakes is the name of the game for true authentic learning. Having students feel confident in their mistakes and knowing that they can grow and learn from them is so important. When they are allowed to collaborate, feel uncomfortable, and take the lead that is where the true magic happens.


EdCan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan. (2016b, May 19). Innovation that Sticks Case Study - OCSB: Risk taking [Video]. YouTube.

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