I Am Change & A Sense of Urgency

Published on 26 September 2023 at 21:12

I am naturally a very emotional and empathetic person. Have you ever watched the commercials for the SPCA and thought "This is so sad" while singing along to The Arms of an Angel with Sarah? The first time I saw that commercial I cried, and ended up adopting the cutest puppy named Goober. Seeing that commercial definitely created a sense of urgency that I needed to do something to help. But I still get misty-eyed every time I hear that song on television. The Power of Words video was heartbreaking to watch but also an interesting look into humanity. So many people walked past him until they could put themselves in his place, then everything changed. 

My innovation project is focused on ePortfolios for elementary students so when I am making my video I think I will be targeting my audience's head but also their hearts. I am looking to connect them with a better way to view and store their students' work but also have a way for students to share their work in a meaningful and impactful way that will help them gain skills for the future. I am hoping by showing all of the ways ePortfolios can be helpful and beneficial, my audience will be excited to join this electronic journey with me. 


*Picture of Goober, the best impulsive, emotional decision I've ever made. :)

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