ePortfolios for the win!

Published on 13 November 2023 at 10:39


When I first realized that we would be required to create and keep up with an ePortfolio, the idea was extremely overwhelming. I have never built a website from scratch and there were so many options to use that I did not know where to start. All throughout my schooling I was never required to reflect on my learning. It was very cut and dry. Do the assignment your teacher asks you, get the grade, take the test, and move on. But throughout this program, I have come to realize how important the reflection and collaboration part of learning can be. ePortfolios help with both of those. 

The use of ePortfolios can be extremely beneficial in an elementary classroom setting. "This notion of showing what one has created, developed, built, written or assembled is an extremely important aspect of an effective learning environment that is often overlooked beyond the show & tell sessions that we fondly remember from primary school" (Harupnuik,2023). Even though it has not been used very much in elementary, I am excited to see the benefits of ePortfolios take effect in my classroom and in my school. 


Just like in the elementary classroom, ePortfolios can be a great way to have students at any age reflect on their learning, take ownership of their learning, and share their learning with others. ePortfolios offer a much more holistic view of the student while allowing them to document their learning in a meaningful way. 



Harapnuik, D. (2023). Why Use an ePortfolio. Harapnuik.org. https://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=6063 

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