Change is the Only Constant

Published on 15 November 2023 at 21:51

Change can be uncomfortable. It can be hard and cause some problems. Does that mean we should not do it? When I look into my classroom, it looks wildly different than when I was a student. Neat little rows of chairs and desks are replaced with tables for collaboration and other seating choices. The textbooks we had to read out of are long gone. Did all of this happen overnight? No. But by making these little changes, over time it has become the norm to see students working together in the hallways and solving real-world problems in the classroom instead of a worksheet. We are looking for meaningful learning and how we can solve problems. We are preparing our students for the 21st century and for the world they will live in. By making my classroom a place where my students feel confident to be curious and ask questions, I am fostering a love of learning; that is all I want for them.

In my classroom, I think it is so important to model the behaviors I am looking for in my students. I have always loved technology. I was in the first computer club in my elementary school when we still had computers with black screens and green words. I remember thinking that Oregon Trail was so awesome and I couldn't wait to see what else I could learn to do on computers. I remember how I felt about technology and now that students are so used to having technology all around them, I still want them to feel excited about the possibilities technology can offer them. I believe that showing them my excitement and curiosity about technology can also be a way to inspire them.

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