Connecting & Communicating My Ideas 

ePortfolios for Elementary 101

In designing effective professional development for teachers, it is imperative to adhere to Duarte's five key principles of effective PL. First and foremost, the duration of professional learning must be significant and ongoing, allowing teachers ample time to grasp new strategies and navigate implementation hurdles with sustained support. Secondly, during the implementation stage, tailored assistance should be provided to address the specific challenges teachers encounter in changing classroom practices. Thirdly, teachers' initial exposure to new concepts should be actively engaging, involving varied approaches that encourage 

participation and collaboration. Fourthly, effective modeling has been proven highly beneficial in helping teachers understand and adopt new practices, emphasizing the importance of providing real-life examples and demonstrations. Finally, content presented to teachers should not be generic but rather specific to their discipline or grade level, ensuring relevance and applicability to their teaching context.


Applying these principles, I developed  a comprehensive training program for educators on implementing ePortfolios in elementary classrooms. This training would extend over the summer and throughout the school year, offering ongoing support to teachers as they navigate the complexities of incorporating ePortfolios into their instruction. Through active engagement, hands-on practice, and real-world examples, teachers will gain the necessary skills and confidence to effectively integrate ePortfolios into their teaching practice, ultimately enhancing student learning and achievement.

Big Hairy Audacious Goal & Three Column Table

Our Big, Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) ePortfolios in Elementary 101 is to empower every educator to become a proficient ePortfolio practitioner, transforming their teaching practice and enhancing student learning experiences. We aim to achieve this by equipping teachers with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to seamlessly integrate ePortfolios into their curriculum, fostering a culture of reflective practice, personalized learning, and student empowerment. Our BHAG is not just about implementing ePortfolios—it's about revolutionizing education, empowering teachers to become innovative leaders in their classrooms, and ultimately, creating a future where every student has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.


The timeline for our PL will begin in the summer to allow time for teachers to become familiar with the platform and goals for our ePortfolios. Then through each 6 weeks, we will have one day of learning to allow time to plan for implementation and engagement in the classroom. During each semester, ongoing support for the teachers and scheduled times for assistance in their classrooms will be provided. 

Join us for an engaging Professional Development (PD) journey designed to revolutionize your classroom practices through the power of ePortfolios. Led by experienced facilitators Lauren Blasdel and our dedicated Tech Teacher, our comprehensive program spans across multiple sessions, starting with an exploration of the myriad benefits of ePortfolios in education. Through interactive workshops, you'll learn the essentials of building and presenting ePortfolios, while also delving into strategies for seamless integration into your curriculum. Each session is meticulously crafted to empower you with practical skills and insights, from troubleshooting common issues to leveraging ePortfolios for personalized student learning experiences. Collaborate with fellow educators to brainstorm innovative projects and assessments, ensuring your ePortfolios not only showcase student achievements but also foster reflection, collaboration, and growth. As the program progresses, reflect on your journey, celebrating successes and identifying areas for improvement. By the end, you'll emerge equipped with the tools and knowledge to transform your teaching practice and enhance student learning outcomes with ePortfolios. Join us and embark on a transformative PD experience that will elevate your classroom to new heights.


Basken, P. (2008, April 18). Electronic Portfolios May Answer Calls for More Accountability. The Chronicle of Higher Education.


Goodwin, B. (2015). Research Says/Does Teacher Collaboration Promote Teacher Growth? Educational Leadership, 73(4), 82–83. Retrieved from                Collaboration-Promote-Teacher-Growth%C2%A2.aspx


Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes                  Accountability. Center for Public Education. Retrieved from             Menu/Staffingstudents/Teaching-the-Teachers-Effective-Professional-Development-in-an-Era-of-High-Stakes-Accountability/Teaching-the-Teachers-Full-Report.pdf


Gulamhussein, A., Center for Public Education, & National School Boards Association. (2013). Teaching the teachers. In Center for Public Education.


Harapnuik, D. (2021). COVA.


TNTP. (2015). The Mirage: Confronting the Hard Truth About Our Quest for Teacher Development. Retrieved                               from

Call to Action

Crafting a compelling call to action was essential in mobilizing our stakeholders towards change. The key lies in inspiring action and fostering a sense of urgency. Traditional approaches have often fallen short, leaving educators without the support and resources they need to thrive. It's time to advocate for a paradigm shift—one that prioritizes personalized, relevant, and ongoing learning opportunities tailored to the diverse needs of educators. By rallying stakeholders, advocating for a more hands on learning, and championing innovative approaches to professional development, we can empower educators to excel in their profession and, ultimately, enhance student outcomes. To view my call to action information and video click the button below.  

Blog Posts 

Blogging about professional development for teachers has really opened my eyes to the changes we need in education. It's been a journey of discovery, realizing just how much room there is for improvement. From exploring new teaching methods to discussing ways to make classrooms more inclusive, I've seen firsthand the need for constant evolution in our approach to education. Interacting with fellow educators has shown me the power of collaboration and learning from each other's experiences. Through my blog, I'm not just talking about change—I'm actively working towards it. I believe in shaking things up, embracing creativity, and making sure both teachers and students get the support they need to thrive. It's clear to me that the future of education lies in being open to change and always striving for better.

My Contribution to My Learning & the Learning Community

I believe that the contributions I have made to my own learning and my learning community are how we really learn the most. I have had the privilege to be in one of the best groups. These people have been by my side since the beginning of the program and are my sounding board, my cheerleaders, and the best group I have ever been in. To read more about our session together and my contributions, click the button below.